Friday, 19 June 2009

Just when you think you know where you are...

Just when you think you know what something is, you find out you don't.
A day of altered perspectives.
Stay Okay is a hotel near West Terschelling where people congregate and where the live tv station transmits it's signal. Yesterday it was also the sunniest, most peaceful spot on the planet as my house was snuggled into practically the only hill in Terschelling. Take a good look at it because everywhere else is flat flat flat.
Where I lived in Wellington (NZ) the town is surrounded by hills on three sides, the sea on the other. On days when I wanted to get some kind of perspective on things (either inside or outside my own head) I'd climb a hill and it always put me into another head space.

So naturally, sitting on the only hill in an island has a similar effect, not just for me but for the handful of people who came and lay in the sun to hang out at my house.
We lay around here for some time getting a fresh perspective on a number of things, houses, working, living, playing, people (does that about cover it?). Interesting that no-one asked me all day 'what was the point', perhaps the point didn't seem important any more. When you are in a peaceful place with the smell of the sea in your mouth 'the point' doesn't feature.

Thanks for coming over, it was a memorable afternoon.

Meanwhile, some people have their perspectives altered for them, like this woman from Utrecht who yesterday had an accident on her bike and smacked her head on the ground. Her friend was also taking it easy today having damaged her leg (you may be able to just see her in the background). Makes you realise how fragile the big lump you carry on top of your shoulders really is the day you hurt it.

But she was not alone. This guy had a similar experience on Sunday when he crashed into a group of bikes at night when the lights from the bikes got confused when the on-coming group had someone overtaking. The next thing he knew it he was on the ground unable to get up, but somehow aware that he should be trying to. When he finally did recover he realised that he didn't know where he was, what he was doing, or going or ANYTHING except the fact that he had just had a crash.

So he rode his bike up the road a few metres and then turned and headed back, keeping on passing through the crash site in the hope that his memory would come back. It took half an hour, he thinks, before he could remember who he was and what he was doing. It was an altered perspective that left him feeling pretty freaked out.

Luckily he had friends looking after him and he's taking a couple of days out since then. He was also a great story teller so he got the scenario across like a magician.
And here is Kris, in my hands I have a sketch of his house, that he bought about 6 years ago. It's a big step buying a house and not everyone speaks about it with the pride that he does. Kris also had a copy of Prince's new album on his telephone, we plugged it in to my sound system and let the Artist Formerly Known as Prince, currently known as Prince again (maybe he had a bike crash too), lead us through a journey of discovery.
And thanks to the German girl with perfect teeth for her biscuits.
This is one of the wind instruments on Le Lieux Public site, the installation is incredible, the sounds are out of this world.