Ok, so these next shots are of three of the best people Richmond have on offer. This is Joy - behind her, well halfway down her ear by looks of it, is Ben. They were genuinely cool people and made me realise (yet again) how school systems only work for certain people. Some of the most interesting people I know just plain ain't conformists, because they want to see things for what they are, not what they're told they are.
Joy's Dad takes trekkers to India apparently, I think she said she's been there before but she's going this year to France for an exchange of some sort. Meanwhile Ben reckons he's gonna join the Army, which I always find a bit odd as a career option when we live in a country with such a small army and this social aversion to any mention of war. I know it's a bit of a cliche but most people I know just think any form agression is just a bad way to conduct business. What do I know though...
And this is a friend of theirs affectionately known as Wolfeboy - hmmm, wonder if those teeth have anything to do with that. He's a bakers apprentice and why that's such a great thing is that he brought me pastry which I duly stuffed my face with.
And this is has gotta be my next favouritest person in Richmond of all time (honestly). I'm so sorry I can't remember her name because I swear this gal is gonna be a star some day. You can't quite see it from here but her outfit is a weird eclectic mix of styles that would rival any urban teen anywhere. We were talking about the Mall and she tells me that in fact she has been banned from the mall for two years! How cool is that. Honestly, anyone who can get themselves banned from a mall (without actually even being guilty of whatever she was supposed to have done) has seriously got to be in the coolest kids in town in my book automatically.