The Scrabble set is out. This is Holly and Amber, making a mockery of my spelling skills. Luckily I have a few years on these guys and so have picked up a few extra words to my vocab, thereby saving my dignity. Yeah I know this is the cheesey-est photo alive, I know they're gonna kill me when they see this, so I'm spelling out the irony just in light of my bad spelling all round.
Panorama view from the inside of cottage central.
Few friends of mine here, Minnie is from Auckland (she had the red cape thing on, over on the right). She lives in an apartment in Freemans bay and part of the reason she’s in Christchurch is that she’s getting some building work done at home. Get this though, she can get a loan for the work done on the house put onto her mortgage IF the house is greater than 45m square. So a few weekends ago we spent the morning measuring the rooms to try and figure out how to squeeze an extra 70 square centremetres.
Kneeling down with his back to the camera is Milton. He works in a café in town is seen here getting his arse whipped in Scrabble by another friend of mine, Lucette who you can’t see from here because she’s inside the house. Both of them live in Lyttelton in a big old house that is apparently pretty run down but wonderful. Haven’t seen it yet.
This is the Art Gallery where the house sits every night and morning waiting for me to collect it the next day. What a great building. Yesterday there was a Kapa Haka group doing a performance right in front of the house. If you know anyone who got a photo of that performance, I’d love love love to get a copy of it.