Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Outrageously goodlooking and incredibly cool

Rennes has been exhausting and exhilerating for me, I have never spoken so much French in all my life. I picked up some language when I was in Paris for a while in the 90s and so can communicate about as well as a ten year old in French, that is to say with about that vocabulary. My grammar is undoubtedly a lot worse but hopefully my grasp on existence is a little more developed, though in the land of the great philosophers that can’t be taken for granted. By the end of the day I was again unable to pronounce my own name, let alone string a sentence together.

I was planted in the park and happily a lot of people got on their hands and knees to say hello. I met 2 kiwis, 4 Aussies and people from all over Bretagne and other parts of the country. I had invitations to performances, festivals, dinner, to the pub and to the beach, none of which I could accept as I had to pack up and leave town the next day. So… I hope to return to Rennes one day, I certainly need to get myself to Saint Malo by the sounds of it.

And here are far far too many photos but a mixture of the evening light and the outrageously goodlooking people makes it very hard to edit them down properly. I have a few stories to tell but mostly they speak for themselves. Some really beautiful pictures today also, I hope one day I can put some of them in a book. Perhaps it sounds cliché but the simplicity of a drawing done without a sense of auto-censoring is so satisfying to see. The whale is a great favourite of mine, I also love the picture of me with my house. I couldn’t resist colouring it in (again), but it really helps the lines jump out at you.

I the girl on the right I think is the Queen of Rennes or perhaps just the city of Rennes and that is me on the left. We will meet each other again I hope.